What’s New At HYGE

New State-Of-The-Art Q’Straint UK Research Facility Uses HYGETM Crash Simulation System

Q’Straint’s new iQ Research Centre of Excellence in Whitstable, East Kent, UK relies on a HYGE™ crash simulation system featuring a HYGE™ 12-inch Horizontal System for the most advanced data gathering technologies available.

Q’Straint, a global leader in developing innovative solutions for wheelchair passenger securement, officially launched the17,500 square-foot iQ Research Centre on February 26, 2014. The heart of the Center is the HYGE™ crash simulation system powered by the HYGE™ 12-inch Horizontal System. This accellerator sled is capable of reproducing crash conditions simulating impact in excess of 60 mph and can deliver 225,000 pounds of thrust (equivalent to a modern jet fighter). The sled, which is capable of handling in-vehicle tests to 2.25 tons, accelerates to a maximum of 60g and can reach maximum speeds of 66 mph in 0.1 seconds.

Click here to read Q’Straint’s official press release on the new iQ Research Center of Excellence.

HYGE™ Vertical System in Use at U. S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Warfighter Protection Division

A HYGE™ 6-Inch Vertical System is a key factor in research conducted at the U. S. Army Aeromedical Research Laboratory, Warfighter Protection Division – Injury Biomechanics Branch at Fort Rucker, AL. The HYGE™ 6-Inch Vertical System , installed in November 2013, is designed to simulate the effects of a shock in an acceleration rather than deceleration mode and develops thrust in the 40,000 lbf (178 KN) range. It can also produce acceleration values to several hundred times gravity for milliseconds duration and it can produce several different waveforms at various levels.

The Injury Biomechanics Branch (IBB) is interested in the impact of abnormal environments on normal anatomy and studies the effects of exposure to physical forces (e.g., localized and whole body impacts and repeated jolt) on the health and performance of Army air and ground Warfighters. Team members develop biomechanically validated injury standards and recommend injury prevention strategies to equipment developers and major commands.

New HYGE™ Pulse Development System

The HYGE™ was the first system to do crash simulation by acceleration and has provided reliable reproducible data for decades. As the pulse requirements have expanded in complexity it was assumed that different equipment would be required. Until now much of the HYGE™ capabilities were overlooked.

The HYGE™ pin development system consists of a Segmented pin that provides simple and easy adjustment to pin sections and Software to do computer simulations to refine the pin shape and calculate the size and sequence of sections to assemble a pin to produce desired pulse.

For demo program for evaluation contact Dean Myers, HYGE™, Inc.

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